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You can install in your WordPress project using npm, yarn or pnpm.

Terminal window
npm i @syntatis/kubrick@next

Keep in mind that react and react-dom is set as peer dependencies, requires version 18 or the later. So make sure that you have them installed and set them as the dependencies in your project.


Once installed, you should be able to import and use all available components from the package.

import domReady from '@wordpress/dom-ready';
import { Button } from '@syntatis/kubrick';
import { createRoot } from 'react-dom/client';
function App() {
return <Button>Save Changes</Button>;
domReady( () => {
const root = document.querySelector('#root');
if ( root ) {
createRoot( root ).render(<App />);
} );

Compiling the Source Files

Before you can enqueue the script file in your WordPress project, you’ll need to compile the source files so that browser would be able to render the application. We recommend using the @wordpress/scripts package for this, as it comes with WordPress-specific configurations out of the box.

@wordpress/scripts is an official package from the WordPress project. It contains a set of scripts to help you build, test, lint your code, and requires minimal configuration to get you started.

First, you will need to install it as the project development dependency:

Terminal window
npm i @wordpress/scripts --save-dev

Add the following scripts to your package.json file:

"scripts": {
"build": "wp-scripts build",
"start": "wp-scripts start"

Now you can run the following command to compile the source files:

Terminal window
npm run build

By default, the script will read the entry file from src/index.js and output the compiled files to build directory. You can also specify the output path by passing the --output-path flag:

Terminal window
npm run build -- --output-path=dist

To customize it more, please refer to the official documentation.