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The Notice component is used to display a message to the user. It can be used to provide feedback, warnings, errors, or success message in your WordPress admin application.


To use it in your app, import Notice from the package:

import { Notice } from "@syntatis/kubrick";

Then, you can add it in your app with the content, for example:

<Notice>Settings saved.</Notice>


You can use the level prop to change the color of the notice bar. This is helpful when you want to indicate the significance of the message, such as whether it’s an error, a warning, a success message, or just a general information.

The default value for the level prop is info, which means the notice is a general message. You can change it to success, error, or warning to reflect the appropriate message type, for example:

<Notice level="success">Settings saved.</Notice>


Pass the isDismissable prop to the Notice component to make it dismissable. An X icon will appear on the side of the message. When the user click on the X, the message will disappear.


The Notice component has static classes, prefixed with .kubrick-Notice-. You can use these static classes to select and customize the component and its elements.

root The component root element.
content The wrapper element the notice message.
dismiss-button The button to dismiss the notice.


The Notice component will emit some events on user interactions. You can handle these events by passing a function as a callback to the following props:

onDismiss Triggered when the notice is dismissed. The function callback will not receive any argument.