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The Link component represents the HTML a element. It is used to create an anchor element that links to another resource or page. It comes with a couple of variants. It can also be extended with a prefix and suffix to provide additional context, such as an icon or a badge.


To use it in you app, import Link from the package:

import { Link } from "@syntatis/kubrick";

Then, add it in your app as you would with a native HTML a element:

<Link href="">Go to WordPress</Link>

The Link component inherits several native a element attributes, such as the target and rel attribute. You can pass these attributes as props directly to the component:

rel="noopener noreferrer">


You can use the prefix and suffix props to add element before and after the link label. This may be useful if you need to show icon or context for the link.

2 collapsed lines
rel="noopener noreferrer"
prefix={<Icon name={wordpress} />}


The Link component has static classes, prefixed with .kubrick-Link-. You can use these static classes to select and customize the component and its elements.

root The root element of the link.
prefix The wrapper element of the prefix content.
suffix The wrapper element of the suffix content.
infix The wrapper element of the link label when the prefix or suffix is present.


The Link component will emit some events on user interactions. You can handle these events by passing a function as a callback to the following props:

onHoverChange Triggered when the link is hovered. The function callback will receive a boolean value indicating if the link is hovered.
onFocusChange Triggered when the link receives or loses focus. The function callback will receive a boolean value indicating if the link is focused.